
Here at CH HQ we received lots of well-wishes congratulating us on our 5th Birthday yesterday.  To the folks who called, emailed, posted messages on social media and stopped us on the street for a chat  – a big thank you from CH HQ and all of our team.


At Construct Health we consider ourselves to be part of a community and work hard to support the schools, sporting teams, charitable organisations and businesses where we operate; to receive a bit of love back from you is pretty cool.


As health care practitioners we operate within a unique environment of trust.  As patients, you come to us in pain, in distress, with a problem and ask for our assistance to help you get back to doing what you love.  You come to us wanting to be back at work, to play sport, to run, play with your kids and feel stronger, happier and better about yourselves.  We play only a small part in that process.  Our physios are awesome, but the best practitioner in the world is only window dressing to a patient who has difficulty fully engaging with their rehab.  There are many easily understood barriers to committing to a rehab program – pain is scary, change is scary.  One of the most inspiring moments and greatest privileges for us as physios is being part of a process where we get to watch people changing their own lives.  As I said it’s a privilege.   This is why we want to thank you for supporting us and why we look forward to working with you for the next five years.


This morning I’ve included a clip from Lorimer Mosely – a great Aussie physio, researcher, scientist – he can explain so much more about the pain process than I ever can.  He and his colleagues from the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute (NOI) are prolific researchers and explainers of pain.  Check them out at www.noigroup.com or they have lots of clips on YouTube (most shorter than this one).


Again thank you from all of us here at CH