External Case Management
Many organisations don’t have the time, expertise or personnel required to manage employees with workers’ compensation claims.
Fortunately for these organisations, Construct Health has all three.
Benefits of outsourcing Case Management to Construct Health
- Reduced insurance premiums and claim costs: maintain in-house control over the process.
- Effective execution of Injury Management processes within the workplace by qualified and skilled health professionals.
- Outsourcing frees you to focus on your core business: we handle the tough and time-consuming aspects that you prefer to hand over.
- Prevention of future injuries through risk identification and tailored risk mitigation strategies.
- Reduction of injury down-time saving you the cost of temporary replacement with contract labour.
Use External Case Management in the following circumstances:
- To provide a complete service from time of injury until return to full duties.
- If one of your workers has just been injured and you don’t know what to do, we can assist you and your worker to manage the injury.
- If there’s been a ‘serious’ injury in you workplace, let us take over for you. Construct Health will assist you to meet all legislative requirements, and provide Injury Management resources and guidance for the injured worker.
- When complex Industrial Relations or Human Resources issues exist at the workplace and you require an objective opinion on injury management.
- When you require assistance in designing a suitable duties program (SDP) for an injured worker.
- When you need a tailored, graded return-to-work program
- When you want to ascertain a worker’s capabilities and any restrictions related to the requirements of their normal role
- To provide a review of your rehabilitation program and the general direction of cases.