
We live in an increasingly digital world; that’s no surprise to anyone. We are asked to use self-serve facilities at the supermarket, bank, and post office. Instead of chatting with the newsagent while we buy our daily paper, we are choosing to read our news online in social feeds. We interact less with librarians because if we are not buying our books and reading them online, we are searching for titles on the library computer and borrowing them with a swipe of a card and the telltale beep of a machine. 

Physiotherapy remains one of those services that demands human contact. Physios see the wince of a patient in pain, we feel the parts of a broken-down body, we witness the emotion of a patient who can’t make their body do all that they want it to. Then, through face-to-face consultations and prescriptive exercise and hands-treatment, we make a very human connection and help patients get back to living the life they want. 

Recent research by psychologist, Susan Pinker suggests that in-person social interactions, like a physio visit, are not only necessary for human happiness, but could also be the key to health and longevity. In her TED talk, she says that the top predictors for a long life are your close relationships (those people that you can call on in a crisis) and your social interaction (how much you interact with people as you move through your day). These two things are more important than factors like clean air, being a certain weight, having a flu vaccine, or avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.

Now, I’m not suggesting you throw caution to the wind and forget about the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise! But I do think that our physios and support staff can play an important part of your social interactions. Our team can give you face-to-face contact, be someone in your day who listens, understands and gets you to your goals, and importantly, help you live a happier and longer life. 

To watch Susan Pinker’s TED talk, visit https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_pinker_the_secret_to_living_longer_may_be_your_social_life/details